[conspire] Ubuntu 6.10 [was Re: ... distro news]

Adrien Lamothe a_lamothe at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 14 09:17:23 PST 2006

I agree, Ubuntu is awesome. I finally tried it
recently on several computers, including a couple of
laptops. Not only is it stable, but the desktop is
slick and fun to use. I encountered a minor package
management bug (nuisance category), which occured
after doing a complete dist-ugrade; 20 minutes after
reporting the bug I received an email from someone
asking for additional information. I think the best
distro for dectecting hardware is Kanotix, so I keep a
copy of Kanotix for diagnostic and recovery purposes,
but other than that I plan to only use Ubuntu.

I avoided gnome until recently, now I prefer it. I
plan to look very closely at KDE 4 next year, because
architecturally KDE 4 promises to be way better than
anything. I expect Ubuntu will provide good
integration/support for KDE 4 when it becomes

-- Adrien

--- Paul Reiber <reiber at gmail.com> wrote:

> While Debian bigots^W enthusiasts and other
> techno-illuminati seem to
> be looking at Ubuntu a bit sideways, I've got to
> say, it's one heck of
> a solid distro.
> I've got it running on a number of machines, from
> really underpowered
> to grossly overpowered, and... it just WORKS.
> I've installed and used a boatload of distros over
> the years, and
> Ubuntu has given me less grief than any of the
> others.  Yes, a good
> part of that is because it's got good solid Debian
> underpinnings. And,
> yes, a good part of that is because Linux in general
> is getting more
> and more solid.  But many distros are still weak in
> their installers,
> or weak (or nonexistent) with their support model,
> or both... and
> Ubuntu seems to have those aspects nailed.
> It's my "goto distro" for Installfests - odds are,
> it'll work on
> whatever hardware people bring in, and odds are, if
> it doesn't, there
> will be something on the web detailing how to make
> it work.
> I'm still a fan of Debian (and even of RH and SuSE
> for that matter)
> for servers... but for the desktop, Ubuntu's got
> them all beat.
> Rick's assessment that the bug count reflects more
> on the user base
> than the software is spot on, and to be expected -
> _whichever_ release
> is deemed 'most user friendly' will of course
> attract the more
> hapless/helpless users.
> Regards,
> -pbr
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