[conspire] Ubuntu 6.10 [was Re: ... distro news]

Tony Godshall togo at of.net
Wed Dec 13 18:10:13 PST 2006

> When I read various online cries of distress at the time of Edgy's
> release, I couldn't help suspecting Ubuntu's becoming a victim of its
> own success, in the sense of attracting hapless people who unthinkingly
> do risky or problematic things (like using third-party package sources)
> but expect magical self-correction from the OS.  I'd be thunderstruck if

I randomly snarfed a podcast from archive.org the other day, and the
protagonist was saying how his friend who can't stop tweaking configs
and stuff had switched to Ubuntu and hadn't been able to break it yet.
 So of course people hearing this will go out and recommend Ubuntu to
all their hapless friends...  ;-)


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