SuSe 9.3 / Re: [conspire] s MEPIS 3.3.1 t2 Gnu / Linux

Adrien Lamothe a_lamothe at
Sun May 8 22:36:32 PDT 2005

I'm experiencing some strange audio playback from
RealPlayer Gold in SuSE 9.3 Pro. - the PCM
volume is automagically re-set when playing an audio
track. Otherwise it appears to be a great distro.
Novell has actually re-located their headquarters to
Waltham, MA, where Miguel DeIcaza and his group can
now apply some rationality to the releases. Looks like
Novell is serious. KDE is faster than in SuSE 9.2 (the
QT libs are the same.)

--- "Edmund J. Biow" <ejb1 at> wrote:
> > So, now (after 3 complete re-installs of SuSe,
> preceded by around 4 of
> > CentOS, several of RHEL4, abortive attempts with
> Ubuntu, FC3, & others) I
> > have SuSe 9.3 (kernel working so well on
> this machine that I'm
> > very tempted to start actually using linux :)
> Though it is undoubtedly easier to use for many
> things, these days I
> feel slightly unclean when I boot Microsoft.
> So how about all the crippled multimedia and mp3
> playback that I've read
> about in SUSE 9.3?  The KDE desktop is supposed to
> be quite a bit faster
> than previous stripes of SuuuuuuuSE. 
> I just yum-upgraded Fedora Core 3 to KDE 3.4 and it
> seems very
> significantly faster and more responsive on my own
> speed-demon 800 MHz
> VIA C3 CPU rig on the $20 Asus OEM i810 chipset
> motherboard.  
> > I'll build another thoughtlessly bleeding edge box
> (AMD64 instead of Intel
> > Hyperthreading SMP)  and hope that I don't have to
> fight too much to get all
> > the fun stuff like PCIEx nVidia/OpenGL (works
> amazingly well on Internet
> > 'tank battle' game) and the now fully funtional
> ICHR6 southbridge's Realtek
> > ACL880 8-channel sound 'card'
> >
> > 
> > Prob'ly it'll be a week or two to finish gathering
> parts; once it's built &
> > got 'SuSe Professional 9.3 AMD64' installed on it,
> I'll bring it around for
> > tire-kicking. With any luck I'll have the Promise
> Supertrak6000 installed &
> > functional.
> Wow, that sounds nifty.  Announce it to the list
> before you bring it by.
> Seeing what 64-bit Linux can really do on
> state-of-the-art hardware
> might actually propel me out of my comfortable perch
> in the East Bay to
> an Install Festung.
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