[conspire] Linux cron help

Bill Lazar bill at billsaysthis.com
Sun May 1 09:44:37 PDT 2005

I'm trying to set up cron to run a little PHP script once a night. I use a
shared server and included the command in a text file, then ran crontab
filename to activate it. Here is the single line I used:

11 1 * * * blazar php www/utils/cronjobs/impdates_checker.php

The file is in the 'root' directory of my user space on a hosted/service
provider server. I tested the PHP script that should be called separately
and now it works.

I also tried extending the path/to/script value to
/home/blazar/www/utils/cronjobs/impdates_checker.php with no difference in

Any help would be appreciated.


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