[conspire] Redhat Stuff

Howard Susman howard at scsurplus.com
Sun Dec 29 14:20:25 PST 2002

I found the replacement for Xconfigurator on Redhat. It is called:

I checked /usr/bin/ for redhat-config programs and found:
redhat-config-bind                   redhat-config-printer
redhat-config-date                   redhat-config-printer-gui
redhat-config-httpd                  redhat-config-printer-tui
redhat-config-keyboard               redhat-config-proc
redhat-config-language               redhat-config-rootpassword
redhat-config-mouse                  redhat-config-securitylevel
redhat-config-network                redhat-config-services
redhat-config-network-cmd            redhat-config-soundcard
redhat-config-network-druid          redhat-config-time
redhat-config-nfs                    redhat-config-users
redhat-config-packages               redhat-config-xfree86

I hope this information is of some use to people doing Redhat 8.0 or
later installs.


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