[conspire] information about the meetings

Stefano Maffulli maffulli at fsfeurope.org
Mon Dec 23 18:19:30 PST 2002

Hi guys

I'm on a holyday trip in the bay area and was thinking of coming to
visit you at your next meeting the 28th of december.  I read on the bale
site that it will not be held.  Could you confirm me that sad news
please?  Werner "gnupg" Koch asked me to sign as many gpg keys as
possible to strengthen the web of trust and I don't want to disappoint
him :)   I am the Italian coordinator of the Free Software Foundation

I am staying in Alamo, close to Walnut Creek until the 30th.  If any of
you wants to spend some time taking a cup of coffee and exchange opinion
on GNU or anything else write me a note please. 

Regards, and have a nice christmas

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