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T.F.M. for Users
caveat user
MGM is targeted at the power user that despises safety-interlocks.
Out of the box, it Just Works. If you want to fiddle around with
things (and I know you want to fiddle around with things),
MGM is designed to let you try pretty much anything you want to with
the X resources. It gives you all the rope you need to shoot yourself
in the foot in any number of creative ways. It's fairly easy to make
the code fall over by doing overly silly things, so be warned; MGM is
generally not going to say 'no'.
Thus, I don't want to hear any complaints about setting a negative
window area and the darned thing trying to do it. Bugs are a
different matter, of course. If you find a genuine case of "this
should work, but it doesn't", fix it and submit a patch (or at least
write mgm@xiph.org about it). This
documentation is also under source control. Don't forget to patch
bugs in the documentation.
MGM is configured via X resources, like procmeter used to be. As an
example, my .Xresources entries for MGM look like this:
mgm*background: #222222
mgm*textpad: 0
mgm.Forks.active: false
mgm.Swapstat.active: false
mgm.Pagestat.active: false
mgm.Context.active: false
mgm.Phoon*background: black
mgm.Phoon*foreground: white
mgm.Clock*background: black
mgm.Clock*foreground: white
mgm.geometry: 450x62+1+1
Resources can be set on the command line; for example, if given the following:
mgm -background DimGray
MGM parses the command line equivalent to mgm*background:
DimGray. Tk allows resource priority levels (a useful feature on
which MGM relies). Higher priorities take precedence over lower
priorities (for details, see 'perldoc Tk::option'). Resources on the
command line are given a resource priority of 80 (and thus generally
take precedence over entries in .Xresources, which take precedence
over built-in settings).
resource naming
The MGM main window has a name of 'mgm' and a class of 'Mgm'. In the
below examples, I use the window name to set resources. (Note that due
to a Tk feature, specifically message passing between applications,
all Tk MainWindows have a different name. Thus, the first MGM started
should be named 'mgm', the second 'mgm #2' and so on. However, Tk
seems to have difficulty on some boxes and all but the first MGM end
up being '#3'.)
A number of resources are global to all of MGM. Most resources,
however, are set by module. Module resources may be set for all
modules of a given type (the module class is the same as the module
name capitalized. Most of the entries in my .Xresources file above
are by-Class entries). Modules may also be configured by instance;
modules are numbered from 0 to n-1 (left-to-right or top-to-bottom).
For example, to set a blue background for module number three, one
should use:
mgm.3*background: blue
Most modules use bargraphs; individual bars are also addressable as:
resource lists
Global resources
The following resources are set once for the MGM main window and
affect all of MGM. They should be set as
Instance resources
The following resources are common to all modules and may be set at
the main window for all modules by using
"mgm*resource". They may also be set for individual
module classes or module instance. A number of modules use Xresources
beyond the list below; these resources are discussed in the
documentation for the relevant module.
Module documentation
A number of modules implement extra features or resources.
Documentation for each module currently distributed with MGM appears
A very few examples
Vertical mode
command line:
mgm -bars horizontal -stack vertical
mgm.bars: horizontal
mgm.stack: vertical
Single battery graph with a picture
mgm*active: false
mgm*Battery.active: true
mgm*Hostlogo.active: true
mgm*Hostlogo.logopixmap: ~/battery.xpm
mgm.bars: horizontal
(of course, the picture actually has to exist)
To do
More modules
Other platforms still need the basic modules. All platforms need more
modules in general.
Module subclassing
Most modules use the same hooks; they should be subclassed from a
general graphing module supertype.
Quite a few settings remain hardwired for no terribly good reason (e.g.,
scale labels, fixed/autoranging graphs, etc). They should be
generalized to resource settings.
Time graphs
Right now, MGM only does instantaneous graphing with bargraphs (what I
happen to like). It should have time graphing ala
procmeter and xload as well (note that there's some trickiness here).
MGM will not get your whites whiter or your colors brighter. It will,
however, sit there and look spiffy while sucking down a major
honking wad of RAM.
MGM, Xiphophorus and their logos are trademarks (tm) of
Xiphophorus. These pages are
copyright (C) 1994-1999 Xiphophorus. All rights reserved.