Top: Linux_PR
BSD / Linux Comparison - Points of comparison (2000)
between Linux and *BSD
Article - Article about the CABAL Linux user group
Digital Domain Reply - Daryll Strauss debunks Grant
Boucher's claims about use of Linux at Digital Domain
- Effective
Advocacy - Eric S. Raymond's advice on effective Linux
- Four
Phases - Evan Leibovitch's 'Four Phases of Linux
- Hawaii Open Source
Foudation - HOSEF is a non-profit foundation to teach and
expand the OS in the schools
- Linux
Government - E-mail mailing list to discuss Linux
integration and migration issues for governments
- Linux Is
Not Windows - Article debunking the usual error of
judging Linux by Windows-imitation standards (marred only by
the ridiculous acronym 'FOSS')
- Linuxmanship - Don
Marti's article on how to advocate, and not to advocate,
Linux Misconceptions - Linux Misconceptions doc from
comp.os.linux.advocacy (1998)
- LinuxOne
- Article about the 1999 Linux firm LinuxOne, by Rick
- Live CD
Distributions - List of dozens of Linux distributions
designed to run entirely from CD-ROM
HOWTO - The Linux user group HOWTO, maintained by Rick
- Mac
OS X - Discussion of Apple Macintosh OS X from one Linux
user's (and former NeXTStep user's) perspective.
- Mean
to Newbies - Problems of helping people diagnose
problems, and gratuitous offence-taking
- Moving
Target - People saying what 'Linux must do' are often
just playing a moving-yardstick game
- Myths -
Links to debunk Microsoft Corp's 'Linux myths' page
- Myths
(Kinder) - Kenneth R. Kinder's 1997 'Linux Myths' FAQ
- New LUG
- Practical advice for founders of new Linux user groups, by
Rick Moen
- The
OS Guerrillas - Sam William's archive copy of his Upside
article about a CABAL InstallFest. Notable for his quotation
from Bill Schoolcraft.
- Publicity
- Worksheet for publicising Linux events in the San Francisco
Bay Area
- Signatures
- Story about shenanigans at a Linux firm about .signature
- Tiemann
Letter - Letter to Michael Tiemann about grossly
hypocritical claims from a different Linux company's
- Understanding
- On seeking technical understanding — or not
Unix vs. NT - The classic John Kirch 'Microsoft Windows
NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX' paper from 1999
- Visionary
Thing - Bob Metcalfe about what the term 'visionary'
really means
- Why? -
Reasons to choose Linux
Windows Refund Day Correspondence - Dozens of e-mails
related to Windows Refund Day (1998 - very long)
Windows Refund Day FAQ - Draft FAQ for the Windows Refund
Day Web site
- Windows
Refund Day - Aftermath / outcome of Windows Refund
- X-Mailer
Hide-and-Seek - Shenanigans at a Linux firm about
X-Mailer headers

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