The Real Spam Problem
People are unable to communicate via email.
That's it, in a nutshell.
The problem
Too much spam.
Space. 10 MiB fills in a matter of hours, if not minutes..
Not UCE, but
viral mail is the current problem. Literally
thousands of messages daily.
Technically adept users can cope. With spamassassin, fetchmail,
procmail, exim, and mutt, I'm keeping abreast. Many friends have
installed "SMTP-time" active responses.
It's Joe Public who's got a real problem.
The Spam-Virus Connection
ISPs and Email Service Providers
AOL, MSN, corporate sites: largely a very good record.
Residential broadband: crap.
US: crap.
Oz: crap.
SMTP-time filters
Bayesians, pattern match.
Tarpitting / Teergrubing
Dramatically slowing down
Active Response -- Filters That Fight Back
Graduated Service
Next Steps
Footnote: what is spam