Wheel of Time FAQs and Resources
If you haven't already read the FAQs (lists of Frequently
Asked Questions), you should start with them.
The Wheel of Time FAQ represents the best of more than 6 years of fans'
discussion about the books. If you've never read it, do so now! It greatly
enhanced my enjoyment of the series when I read it.
The rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
group FAQ contains
basic guidelines and suggestions for participating in newsgroup discussion.
Take a look at it before you post.
Wheel of Time fans may also be interested in:
Tor Books now has
an official Wheel of Time
page. There you can find information about all the books and a list
of Robert Jordan's upcoming signings.
Other Archive Sites on the Web
Many Robert Jordan fans have built their own archives of information
about the Wheel of Time series. Let's start with two good
- Yahoo's
Robert Jordan list has links to several dozen pages. It's slow to
receive updates, though. Many pages haven't yet appeared on it, and
many that are listed disappeared months or years ago.
- Pam Korda has compiled an
of Wheel of Time resources on the Web. This is a great place to go to
find information related to WoT. Her index is more extensive than mine (the
one you are reading) and is organized by subject. It is both more complete
and more timely than Yahoo's list.
Search for "Robert Jordan" or "Wheel of Time" on your favorite search
engine and you'd find hundreds of matches. Visit those pages, though,
and you'd find most of them fairly content-free. Here's an annotated
list of pages with good information, pages that are worth visiting
again and again:
The Waygate is the official Wheel of Time archive, maintained by
Helmut Geyer. Although it hasn't been updated in a long time it contains
a number of interesting things including various bits of humor, summaries
of information we've gleaned from the books (eg, how the Old Tongue works,
what military forces are in the field), reader surveys of what we think
will happen next, fan writing contests, and more.
- Aaron Bergman's Yet
Another Robert Jordan Fandom Page has an Old Tongue dictionary,
interpretations of prophecies, "tidbits" about characters (eg, Verin,
Moiraine, Osan'gar and Aran'gar, Taim and Demandred), and transcripts
from on-line chats with Robert Jordan.
- Karl-Johan
Norén's Fandom Page has plot summaries of all the
books, an analysis of Norse mythologies in Wheel of Time, and an
analysis of the split in the White Tower.
- Emma Pease has a
list of
characters in the Wheel of Time. From that page you can also
find a timeline of events in the series and a list of places.
- Kate Touhey is making an index of
information from the series. It looks pretty useful for answering
those questions such as, "Where have we seen this person before?"
- John Novak's
Jordan page hosts his gallery of Wheel of Time fan art, the rasfwrj
newsgroup FAQ, and the results of his last newsgroup survey.
- James Yu's Tex'Aran'Rhiod
page has information about the Texas Darkfriends, including an application
to their society, their guidebook, descriptions of their gatherings, and
- Bryon Wassermon's page,
The Black
Tower, has several theses and compendiums.
- Looking for art? Visit my art gallery to see
the works of several artists and find links to about a dozen other
art sites.
Back to my Jordan Fandom main page
The snake-and-wheel graphic and Tor symbol are copyrighted by
Tor Books and are used here with permission.
Bill Garrett
garrett (at) linuxmafia.com
Copyright 1995-2002