SSHDOS is Daniel Nagy's client. Source & binaries, issued under the GNU GPL. Requires modules from WATTCP, CVT100, and PuTTY (all included) — some of which is proprietary code. Includes scp. Also does telnet. ssh protocol v. 1.5 (does RSA, 3DES, and blowfish).
Package's readme lacks (as of v. 0.95) this clause, without which Nagy's use of GPL terms for his code puts the package in a state of licence conflict, and therefore technically not lawful to redistribute: "Permission is granted to use this code is granted under the GNU GPL, with the additional permission that it may be linked against Erick Engelke's WATTCP source code and Jerry Joplin's CVT100 source code without the GPL applying to the latter packages." (I advised Nagy of this problem on 2002-02-12.)
( page has vanished)SSH2DOS is Daniel Nagy's client. Source & binaries, issued under the GNU GPL. Requires modules from WATTCP, CVT100, PutTTY, and ZLIB compression library (all included) — some of which is proprietary code. Includes sftp ("SFTPDOS"). ssh protocol v. 2.0 (does AES cipher only).
Package's readme lacks (as of v. 0.1.1) this clause, without which Nagy's use of GPL terms for his code puts the package in a state of licence conflict, and therefore technically not lawful to redistribute: "Permission is granted to use this code is granted under the GNU GPL, with the additional permission that it may be linked against Erick Engelke's WATTCP source code and Jerry Joplin's CVT100 source code without the GPL applying to the latter packages." (I advised Nagy of this problem on 2002-02-12.)
Software for Sundry Platforms is Copyright © 2000-2024 by Rick Moen, and
licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.