[sf-lug] sf-lug email aliases (sf-lug, sf-lug-admin, sf-lug-admins, sf-lug-sysadmins)

Michael Paoli michael.paoli at berkeley.edu
Mon Sep 9 03:22:28 PDT 2024

sf-lug email aliases (sf-lug, sf-lug-admin, sf-lug-admins, sf-lug-sysadmins)

On the balug VM (which also hosts sf-lug.org, etc.)
In /etc/aliases we (still) have these aliases:
sf-lug: sf-lug-sysadmins
sf-lug-admin: sf-lug-sysadmins
sf-lug-admins: sf-lug-sysadmins
sf-lug-sysadmins: mpaoli, asheesh at asheesh.org, grantbow at partimus.org,
jim at well.com, michael.paoli at berkeley.edu, nathank at evilmonkeys.com

Most notably that last one ... that (forwarding to other hosts) is
generally a no-no these days due to how most mailservers work on
anti-spam, etc.

Not sure exactly what places we use and have used those aliases (and
with various domains, e.g. including sf-lug.org), but probably best to
retain the aliases, however, the sending to off-site ... yeah, that'd be
a general no-no.

So ... how do we wish to handle these?  Where should they be delivered?

I can think of at least two semi-logical possibilities (and the folks
wanting the access can be set up with that):

o Create a Mailman 3 list on same balug VM host, and it could (should)
  be under suitable sf-lug.org (sub)domain, e.g. lists.sf-lug.org and
  can then also set up moderator(s) for the list, folks can manage their
  subscriptions as they reasonably wish, etc.  I'm thinking this is
  likely best solution.
o Have it go to some local account and thus its mbox.  I can set up
  relevant folk(s) with login access and sudo access to the relevant
  account.  Although this is easier to set up, I suspect folks would
  disappear into a "black hole" - or at least a pile that would be quite
  ignored.  Evidence?  Have set up lots of folks with access to manage
  various things SF-LUG related (e.g. web pages, DNS, etc.) on the BALUG
  VM, but alas, for the most part nobody ever does anything there and it
  ends up falling onto me ... and ... would be nice to see some other
  folks take some of that on - or in other words not (almost) always
  having me do all the work related to SF-LUG excepting meetings,
  sf-lug at linuxmafia.com and related, DNS secondaries, and
  whois/registrant/ownership for the additional non-canonical domains
  (thanks Al, and yes, checked and noticed sf-lug.net was renewed again,
  now expires 2025-09-03).

Anyway, let me know what y'all think ... most notably those that would
actually bother to take an interest in so supporting SF-LUG (notably
dealing with all that mostly unsolicited email (would probably mostly
fall upon moderator(s)) - at least which makes it past some basic spam

There's also similar to figure out for webmaster ... but that's bit
messier, notably as the current MTA software doesn't distinguish the
received domains it allows, so regardless if the domain is balug.org or
sf-lug.org, the email (e.g. to webmaster) is aliased to same
recipient(s) either way.

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