[sf-lug] Mailman 3 testing (@lists.BALUG.org) ...

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Sun Jul 7 13:37:37 PDT 2024

On 2024-07-07 03:15, Michael Paoli wrote:

> Mailman 3 testing (@lists.BALUG.org) ...
> For the interested and/or curious,

That's me!

> actively testing Mailman 3 at present
> (so far looking at least "reasonable enough", and does have some pretty
> spiffy features too).  If curious and/or want to try it out,
> have a peek here:
> https://lists.balug.org/mailman3/

It does look nice, for sure.

I'm subscribed (via email to ...-request at ...), however, when I go to the 
web page and try to log in, I get:

 > Server error
 > An error occurred while processing your request.

I'd expect a different result (I do not yet have an account via the web 

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