[sf-lug] Mailman 3 testing (@lists.BALUG.org) ...

Michael Paoli michael.paoli at berkeley.edu
Sun Jul 7 03:15:47 PDT 2024

Mailman 3 testing (@lists.BALUG.org) ...

For the interested and/or curious, actively testing Mailman 3 at present
(so far looking at least "reasonable enough", and does have some pretty
spiffy features too).  If curious and/or want to try it out,
have a peek here:
or subscribe by sending email to:
balug-test3-subscribe at lists.balug.org
(that balug-test3 list will not too far in future get
merged with the existing BALUG-Test list).
or get some more information by sending email with
subject or body of:
to: balug-test3-request at lists.balug.org
See also:
for more information on my Mailman 2 --> 3 project.

Presuming all tests out at least "well enough", the @lists.BALUG.org
Mailman 2 lists will be migrated to Mailman 3.
(Mailman 2 support on Debian has gone EOL (because Python 2, etc.)).

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