[sf-lug] bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com ISP receiving list mails, is subscribed in digest mode: Re: Mailman privacy alert

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Jun 2 13:29:22 PDT 2024

Quoting Michael Paoli (michael.paoli at berkeley.edu):

> Received by ISP - after that, between Bobbie and her ISP.

Yep.  Checked that, too.

> I'm also suspecting perhaps digest mode is enabled, as I don't
> currently see more recent for Bobbie's email, though I do for
> my (also subscribed) email address.
> Yes, bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com is in fact subscribed in digest mode.

Er, I thank you for checking, but I think you visual-grepped that wrong.
When I look at https://linuxmafia.com/mailman/roster/sf-lug , 
I see her (two subscriptions) as among the 170 "_Non_-digested Members
of sf-lug".

As an aside, I recommend against digest mode, which appears to cause
subscribers various sorts of problems.  To explain, in digest mode,
rather than getting individual messages when their authors post them,
Mailman sends the subscriber a "digest", a batched clump of recent
postings, at intervals set on the server but normally daily.

Problems subscribers suffer from digest mode include the general sort of
thing where the subscriber is uncertain he/she is subscribed (because of 
digest delay), and a rather dreadful Subject header used for digest
mailings that breaks threads.

However, some subscribers just _like_ digest mode.  So, if they want it,
they can have it.

Now, a couple of days ago, I had further discussion with Bobbie, and 
I tried to be polite but clear, that, when she publicly, and in error, 
alleged in June 2023 that my mailing list server had sent her "hundreds
of spams", this was a seriously insulting accusation to make against a
reputable mail provider.  And that, as this was the latest of a number
of other gratuitously insulting things she'd said about and to me,
_while_ enjoying my personal Internet server's hospotality, free of
charge, I was about out of patience.

At the time, June 2023, I said she frankly needed to post a proper,
unreservedly worded, not qualified with weasel wording, retraction and
apology, right here, in the same place.

She didn't.  I noted why her weasel-worded comments, that then followed,
had failed.  

And then Bobbie elected to leave things right there.  I let it be, but
in light of the problem situation, put her subscriptions on moderation
so that any postings could be checked for personally insulting
mouthing-offs before propagating, and moved on to other things. 

A year passed.  Suddenly it's May 31, 2024, and Bobbie is chewing up my
time asking for my personal assistance!  On something she could and
should have checked for herself!  I helped -- and then sent her
mail reminding her that a retraction and apology was now one year
overdue.  Since Bobbie allegedly (back in June 2023) could not write one
without weasel wording, I even wrote an example, to show how.

In offlist mail, Bobbie's response two days ago was (closely
paraphrased):  "Sorry, I'm busy with other things, and will have to get
back to that, if at all, some other time."

And so, here we wre.

And, so, I'm out of patience.  I'm vacating this problem from my agenda.
If Bobbie ever wishes to belatedly do the right thing, the ball's in her
court, as it has been for over a year, now.

Because, as it turns out, I meant what I said.  (Go figure.)

This mailing list _is_ an extension of my home.  Guests are welcome here, 
and frankly y'all get a massive amount of leeway, but there are limits
to my hospitality.

Cheers,                   "Every bit of complexity you add is a failure point."
Rick Moen                                                -- Adam Savage
rick at linuxmafia.com 
McQ! (4x80)        

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