[sf-lug] Notice: ns1.svlug.org downtime, DNS secondary

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Sat Nov 13 12:16:36 PST 2021


> From: Al <awsflug at sunnyside.com>
> Date: Sat Nov 13 08:59:37 PST 2021
> I don't think I'm directly affected by svlug being down since I don't
> AXFR from ns1.svlug, and I don't originate any records that define svlug
> to be a domain server, but good to know what's going on.


SF-LUG's non-canonical names have NS delegating authority records
that include ns1.svlug.org.  Perhaps not critical, but would be
best to remove those records for now - would reduce DNS latency and
possibly other issues, e.g. lame response before ns1.svlug.org. is
slave/secondary again but after it's again a DNS server on The Internet.

Those records would be controlled via the registrar, I believe Go Daddy
in this case, where I believe you have access and I don't.
Notably these domains:

echo 'sf-lug.com.
sf-lug.net.' | (
   while IFS="$IFS_" read subdomain TLD
     Authority_NS="$(dig +short "$TLD". NS | head -n 1)"
     Authority_NS_IP="$(dig +short "$Authority_NS" A "$Authority_NS"  
AAAA | head -n 1)"
     dig @"$Authority_NS_IP" +noall +authority +norecurse  
"$subdomain.$TLD." | fgrep -i svlug &&
     whois "$subdomain.$TLD" | sed -e '/^ *Registrar: /!d;s/^  *//;p' | sort -u

sf-lug.com.             172800  IN      NS      ns1.svlug.org.
Registrar: Wild West Domains, LLC
sflug.org.              86400   IN      NS      ns1.svlug.org.
Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLC
sflug.com.              172800  IN      NS      ns1.svlug.org.
Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLC
sflug.net.              172800  IN      NS      ns1.svlug.org.
Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLC
sf-lug.net.             172800  IN      NS      ns1.svlug.org.
Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLC

Al - myself, you, and Jim* have access to sf-lug.org. at the registrar.
* though Jim Stockford's access is a bit limited to avoid possibly
   irreversable booboos - e.g. can change DNS, but can't transfer away
   the domain or change its contacts.

> I wasn't monitoring ping status for svlug but I've added it to the
> list.  Historically I monitor balug and linuxmafia.  (linuxmafia stays
> up just all the time! :) )

Alas, Comcast Business isn't nearly as rock solid as Raw Bandwidth was.
I typically get as much outage in 3 months from Comcast Business,
typically an outage of about 3 hours once a month, plus some quite brief
outages on a more frequent basis, than I got from Raw Bandwidth in 13
years - about one outage of about 8 hours, and very rarely any other
outages, and those others quite rare, generally very short, typically
well under 15 minutes.
E.g. latest:
ISP: Comcast Business Outage, starting around:
PING: ping FAILED 2021-11-09T05:44:38+00:00
connectivity back starting around:

> I check BIND status every 10 minutes but haven't seen any transfers
> hung, because of course I'm not transferring from svlug.
> On my 10 minute checks I haven't been comparing the contents looking for
> change in zones I was seconding but, since that's a normal function I do
> for internal zones, it was easy to add that; because I hadn't been
> checking I didn't see the list of name servers change. Next time I will.

Well, there's lots in/with DNS that can be checked, including,
e.g. data consistency (like do NS authority and authoritative records
match) and RFC compliance, much etc.

> On 11/13/2021 01:30, Michael Paoli wrote:
> >
> > And delegating authority records ...
> > removed from:
> > balug.org.
> > sf-lug.org.
> > berkeleylug.com.
> > e.
> >
> > And Al, I presume you will likewise handle the needed for:
> > sf-lug.com.
> > sflug.org.
> > sflug.com.
> > sflug.net.
> > sf-lug.net.

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