[sf-lug] meeting confusion & disambiguation, presumptive: https://meet.jit.si/static/dialInInfo.html?room=sf-lug.org

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Thu Jun 11 18:54:14 PDT 2020

So ... I can see how there was some bit of confusion before the last meeting.

On 2020-05-03 there was:
Tentative plans for next month's SF-LUG Meeting on Zoom
Including within what appeared to be an invite for 2020-06-07

But there was no subsequent confirmation/invitation ... even as
late as 2020-06-07T10:01:11-07:00 (less than an hour before the meeting's
start time) ... and I (and probably many others) had forgotten about the
earlier "Tentative"/invitation, and hadn't seen any subsequent
confirmation/announcement ... so, at 2020-06-07T10:01:11-07:00
I put out Jitsi announcement/invite:
SF-LUG meeting today: Jitsi: ...

Anyway, per communications at last meeting, for next,
presumption will be to use:
... and if there are significant issues/problems with that (e.g.
squatter abusing the meeting location), presumably SF-LUG would
coordinate via list to make alternative meeting arrangements
(notably virtual location).

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