[sf-lug] sources.list: Re: debian base system (initially without X11) install progress (or lack there of!) report

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Mon Dec 10 18:59:24 PST 2018

> From: "Alex Kleider" <akleider at sonic.net>
> Subject: [sf-lug] debian base system (initially without X11) install  
> progress (or lack there of!) report
> Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2018 19:42:02 -0800

> By the way, I did modify /etc/apt/sources.list to the following:

FYI, a bit further below, what I have for my "main" Debian
system - currently running Debian stable.  Some of it (most notably
some parts of the comments) are mostly of historical (if any)
interest - I mostly keep it around to help remind myself not to
(accidentally) add something that's obsolete or no longer the
preferred way of doing something.  A few other comments:

backports - I generally start off not including such.
Often/typically over the lifecycle of stable (and/or into oldstalbe),
there will be some package(s) I "need" or particularly want that are
available in backports that aren't (yet) available in stable (or oldstalbe),
so ... backports is generally the way to do that.

Also, if you've no need for non-free, don't include it, ... and if you
don't have/include non-free, then also don't include contrib
(contrib depends upon non-free but is otherwise DFSG - so package(s) in
contrib may go to main if/when all their dependencies are in main)
There's also the lovely vrms package ... if you want reminders of
non-free cruft you have, and possible alternatives.

Oh, do also make sure one is on the relevant list(s) for the distributions
and repositories one uses ... e.g. to cover announcements, security,
if applicable, other updates, backports, etc.

Some other comments I'll throw in ... on that host of mine,
I generally have mounted on /media/cdrom9 the ISO image of the current
Debian Official Binary-1 CD for the architecture of that host - and most
current "point" release thereof (since I tend to have the ISOs anyway -
see also:
that often prevents apt(-get) from otherwise unnecessarily downloading some
package I already have (notably on the CD ISO)

Anyway, my /etc/apt/sources.list for that host:
deb [ trusted=yes] file:/media/cdrom9 stretch main

deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ stretch main non-free contrib
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ stretch main non-free contrib

# Security updates
# >= 9 stretch http://deb.debian.org/ includes /debian-security/ -  
see: https://deb.debian.org/
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates main contrib  
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates main  
contrib non-free

# https://wiki.debian.org/StableUpdates
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ stretch-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ stretch-updates main contrib non-free

deb http://deb.debian.org/debian stretch-backports main contrib non-free

#       Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian
#       for stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free.
#           deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free
#       As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution.
#           deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free
#       Source line for the above
#           deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free
#       The first line gets package information for the architectures in
#       APT::Architectures while the second always retrieves amd64 and armel.
#           deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian wheezy main
#           deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] http://ftp.debian.org/debian wheezy main
#       Uses HTTP to access the archive at archive.debian.org, and uses only
#       the hamm/main area.
#           deb http://archive.debian.org/debian-archive hamm main

# various /etc/apt/sources.list notes:

# as of wheezy, backports are part of main archive (mirror network)
# deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports  
main contrib non-free

# CDN/redirector information, reverse chronological:
# >=9 Stretch --> deb.debian.org:
# http://deb.debian.org/
# https://wiki.debian.org/DebianGeoMirror
# httpredir.debian.org deprecated:
# https://lists.debian.org/debian-mirrors/2017/02/msg00002.html
# https://lists.debian.org/debian-mirrors/2017/02/msg00001.html
# https://lists.debian.org/debian-mirrors/2017/02/msg00000.html
# https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2017/02/msg00012.html
# https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2017/02/msg00000.html
# https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2017/01/msg01047.html
# https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2017/01/msg01043.html
# httpredir.debian.org announced:
# https://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2015/05/#httpredir
# https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/05/msg00003.html
# http.debian.net announced:
# https://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2012/13/#redirector
# https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/06/msg00007.html

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