[sf-lug] SF-LUG meeting notes for Monday April 21, 2018

Bobbie Sellers bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com
Thu May 24 19:55:08 PDT 2018

Yes it should have been May 21.
     Just figured out today that I might have mislabled this
in the subject.

On 05/22/2018 03:58 PM, Bobbie Sellers wrote:
> Hi LUGers,
>     Well not too many of us showed but still we were
> at capacity crowded about the big table.
>     I got to the meeting early as a member had said that
> they would be there early and needed help.
>     So I arrived about 5 PM and John S. had preceded me.
>     John had brought in the HP-laptop which he had gotten
> at a yard sale and I got him to try a few distributions on
> it including Porteus 4.0, Knoppix 8.2 and Ubuntu Kylin 18.04
> CentOS 7-KDE-1804, Debian 9.4 and maybe a few others.
> He had brought in the machine in hopes that Tom might be
> interested and Tom was.  We briefly discussed his work and
> how he got no reports from higher level ITs about how they
> resolved problems.  He has recommended that this policy
> be altered so that the Level 1 ITs know what is happening
> when problems are fixed.
>     Shortly after 7 pm John S. left for more inviting activities
>     I wanted to see what Deepin was like so I had
> installed it to the Dell to boot with either PCLOSOS64
>  or Deepin 15.5.   I showed it off to John S but no one
> else seemed interested.
>     Gave out more than one copy of  Knoppix 8.2.
>     You might note that I mention not only Deepin but
> Ubuntu Kylin above.  It seems to me that anyone living
> in the Richmond district or nearly anywhere in San Francisco
> might see having copies of this for newcomers, exhange
> students or visitors from Asian nations who might find
> these interesting.
>     6 pm Mikki M. arrived with her big notebook computer
> on which she does a lot of work.  I showed her how to
> reset the filters on her online account and tried to show
> her where to find the information she needed to move
> to another ISP.  From a message today it seems we fixed
> the spam filtering.
>     She also talked about her need to be able to use
> Windows as she wants to do digital microscopy and the
> particular 'scope which Mikki wants to use.  She showed
> me a picture of it in her gallery and it is an impressive
> piece of kit.
>     About 6:10 pm Maestro showed up with his machine.
>     6:50 pm Tom arrived and after a brief demonstration he
> took the machine off John's hands.
>     Later I helped him to get on line with the Windows installation
> on the HP Laptop.  Much more difficult than with any of the
> Linux distributions I had tried over the weekend.  The final
> trick to my solution was to hit the proper key and turn on the
> WiFi card.
>     About 7:30 Mikki left and it took two different transit agencies
> and buses to get her home by 9:30 pm.  She is really dedicated
> to travel so far and spend 4 hours on the bus.   I only spend
> about an hour riding and the bus riding is nearly as tiring
> as other exertion for me.
>     Well Tom and Maestro were still enjoying the WiFi access as
> I left about 8 p.m
>     Anyone attending the meeting is free to correct my omissions or
> incomprehension of the activities and asked to do so asap so that the
> membership not in attendance will not be mis-informed any longer
> than necessary.
>     The next meeting at the Cafe Enchante will be from 11 am
>  to 1 pm on June 3, 2018
>     Don't forget Memorial Day on Monday, June 28th.
     That of course should have been Monday May 28th.

>     Bobbie Sellers
     Too tired to see straight too much of the time.


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