[sf-lug] (mostly) better now: Re: EximConfig v2.5 & Exim >=4.50 ... 8-O (balug)

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Sat Dec 2 11:04:41 PST 2017

So ... mostly working again - at least "good enough"
for the moment.
Was taking too long to work our the config stuff,
so just disabled part of the anti-spam for now:
# [ -e etc ] || { xz -d <  
~/tmp/8.9_to_9.2/etc,var_lib_dpkg,var_lib_apt_extended_states.pax.xz |  
pax -r etc/exim4/eximconfig/config/exiscan_include && { diff  
/etc/exim4/eximconfig/config/exiscan_include; rm  
etc/exim4/eximconfig/config/exiscan_include; find etc -xdev -depth  
-type d -exec rmdir \{\} \;; }; }
< .include CONFIGDIR/config/exiscan.conf
> #.include CONFIGDIR/config/exiscan.conf

... resources/time/priorities ... will probably get back to the
anti-spam config stuff further sometime later.

In the meantime, also a bit of mailman cron stuff to
catch up on (had disabled that shortly after disabling the MTA

> From: "Michael Paoli" <Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu>
> Subject: EximConfig v2.5 & Exim >=4.50 ... 8-O (balug)
> Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 20:15:53 -0800

> Ah, drats ... an upgrade of exim and ... now doesn't play nice with
> EximConfig v2.5 ... got my "homework" to do(/complete).
> EximConfig v2.5 may be a very nice - even excellent - starting
> point for anti-spam with Exim, but alas, it doesn't look very
> actively maintained ...:
> "
> EximConfig v2.5
> ACL(s) last updated:   11/07/2013
> Config last updated:   31/10/2011
> "
> ... drats ... I should'a seen that one coming.
> So, ... looks like demime has long been deprecated in exim, and,
> somewhat more recently (apparently Exim >=4.50) been removed - and there's
> not exactly a direct replacement in Exim.  So ... need to rework
> some Exim antispam config files (that came from EximConfig v2.5).
> I tried what seemed approximate replacement ... didn't work (MTA
> wouldn't start), attempted disabling those bits ... "oops" ...
> didn't get it right.  That bit 'o the configuration started rejecting
> everything non-local as spam.  So ... stopped the MTA (this morning)
> until I get that sorted out.
> Ah well, the Debian 8.9 --> 9.2 upgrade went swimmingly smoothly for
> the balug VM ... no issues at all ... except for the totally non-Debian
> issue of the integration/(non-)compatibility with (the non-Debian)
> EximConfig v2.5.  So ... everything *else* appears fine.
> So ... back to the Exim documentation I go ...
> The bit in question?  demime, in:
> eximconfig/config/exiscan.conf
> in:
> http://www.jcdigita.com/eximconfig/eximconfig.tar.gz

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