[sf-lug] http[s]://{www, }{, .ipv[46]}.sf-lug.org/{myip, srcip, myconnection, *} ... m-net.arbornet.org

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Thu Jun 22 06:58:06 PDT 2017

Now also working with https,
and also handy URL portions ending with /myip, /srcip, /myconnection,
$ curl -s https://www.ipv4.sf-lug.org/myip
$ curl -s https://www.ipv4.sf-lug.org/myconnection 64316 443
$ curl -s https://www.ipv6.sf-lug.org/srcip
$ curl -s http://www.ipv6.sf-lug.org/myconnection
2001:470:66:76f::2 40862 2001:470:1f04:19e::2 80
(/myip and /srcip are equivalent)
Some of those may be particularly useful when you're behind
layer(s) of NAT/SNAT, and also, as essentially noted earlier,
if/when you want to explicitly check IPv4 or IPv6 - particularly
if you're using a client that one can't (reasonably) specify
which protocol on the client itself (e.g. mobile browser on

And, where'd that come from?
"world's longest running public access UNIX system" (or at least so
they claim ... and likely true).  Sometimes handy when wants to,
e.g. test from somewhere else out there on The Internet.
I still have an account there - and have for a quite a long time.
I think one has to login at least once every 30 days or so, lest one's
account gets removed ... but I have a cron job that covers that for
me (overnightly, if it's not successfully logged in within about the
last 15 days, it make an attempt, and tracks if it's successful).
It's a BSD based system.  Might'a been providing that service
since before Linux existed.

> From: "Michael Paoli" <Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu>
> Subject: http://www.ipv4.sf-lug.org/ http://ipv4.sf-lug.org/
> Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2017 14:16:13 -0700

> And for those that may find it useful,
> if/when you want/need to hit only IPv4, I've also added:
> http://www.ipv4.sf-lug.org/
> http://ipv4.sf-lug.org/
> With the former of those two being the canonical form.
> So long as you don't have need/reason to restrict to IPv4 only,
> should just use the canonical form:
> http://www.sf-lug.org/
> or
> https://www.sf-lug.org/
> One can also often restrict to just IPv4 or IPv6 with
> the client ... but not all clients offer such an option
> (e.g. dual stack mobile device may not offer such an option).
> What about?:
> https://www.ipv4.sf-lug.org/
> https://ipv4.sf-lug.org/
> I don't have corresponding cert added yet, but expect
> I'll have that completed before 2016-08-20T01:30:00+0000.
> Until I add such cert, they "work" - notwihstanding cert
> not having those newer names included.
> I didn't add similar for .com, as it's non-canonical anyway.
>> Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2015 17:33:28 -0800
>> From: "Michael Paoli" <Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu>
>> To: SF-LUG <sf-lug at linuxmafia.com>
>> Subject: [www.]ipv6.sf-lug.{org,com} [Re: SF-LUG & IPv6 :-)]
>> And for those that may be interested, curious, or might find it useful,
>> if one accesses the sf-lug website via any of these DNS names in the URLs:
>> http://www.ipv6.sf-lug.org/
>> http://ipv6.sf-lug.org/
>> http://www.ipv6.sf-lug.com/
>> http://ipv6.sf-lug.com/
>> One gets IPv6 only access to the site (it won't work if you don't  
>> have IPv6).
>> Same content, just alternatives names (with the "ipv6." portion added)
>> to access via IPv6 only if/when one may want to do or test that.
>> If one doesn't include the "ipv6." portion, the site has both IPv6 and
>> IPv4, so one doesn't have to use ipv6 names (unless one wants to exclude
>> IPv4).
>>> From: "Michael Paoli" <Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu>
>>> Subject: SF-LUG & IPv6 :-)
>>> Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2015 11:29:32 -0800
>>> The SF-LUG websites
>>> http://([www.]sf-lug.{org,com}/
>>> now also have IPv6.
>>> Do use the DNS names, as not only may IPv6 addresses change,
>>> but the web server also uses virtual name hosting, and presently
>>> hosts more than just
>>> SF-LUG content.
>>> Note that the list host (linuxmafia.com) does not (yet?) have IPv6.
>>> Also, many of the BALUG.org sites now have IPv6 (notably BALUG
>>> ancillary sites
>>> (e.g. archive & wiki sites), but not yet [www.]balug.org itself),
>>> but these don't
>>> yet have full chain of IPv6 DNS servers (alas, balug.org hosting
>>> provider has no
>>> IPv6 DNS servers).

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