[sf-lug] 13 reasons not to use chrome...

voyager640 at gmail.com voyager640 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 6 02:25:16 PST 2017

What about lynx?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 5, 2017, at 10:08 AM, jim <jim at well.com> wrote:
>    What I find interesting in this article (link
> at bottom) is that it presents an overview of
> alternative browsers and, especially, highlights
> some interesting features that they implement.
>    Thus, if I could remember what I read, I have
> enhanced my understanding of what is browserly
> possible in general.
> Browsers mentioned include
> * Chrome (no real objections, fairly high praise,
>  a little slower than some in particular cases,
>  missing the occasional feature...)
> * Opera
> * Edge
> * Vivaldi
> * Safari
> * Firefox
> * Tor Browser
> * Epic browser
> * Neon (different from but provided by Opera)
> Features mentioned include
> * HTML5
> * download speed
> * fast JavaScript
> * benchmarks (Jetstream, Octane, Kraken)
> * battery conservation
> * phishing
> * malware
> * VPN
> * Privacy and encryption, blocking external trackers,
> * alternative design (Neon's "Concept Browser")
> * image integration with the local OS
> * Apple and Google chauvinists (a good thing for those who are)
> http://www.networkworld.com/article/3176183/internet/13-reasons-not-to-use-chrome.html?idg_eid=9acc943f8448d8c96fc5b38178c536aa&email_SHA1_lc=e8d58ccf0631ff676837a0d667f313b525bd97c5&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NWW%20Daily%20AM%20Alert%202017-03-05&utm_term=networkworld_daily_news_alert
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