[sf-lug] WIFI set-up

maestro maestro415 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 11:08:28 PDT 2016

quoting rick moen:
>>Obviously, since you gave us absolutely no information to work with, you
>>can claim anything you want about what happened, but no plausible
>>mechanism exists for what you say, whereas wifi flakiness is common and
>>well understood.

maestro wrote:
> as noted in my original mail, interested i am in configurations that
> KEEP/PREVENT getting 'knocked off'/disconnected from networks (that is/are
> incorporated IN linux distros of different types).

if one reads what i wrote, they see what i am seeking, as to wit, are there
configurations that do that? if so, what?

you have not given any 'plausible' explanation of the 'mechanism' NOT
existing, rather just say it doesn't.
sure, wifi flakiness exists, doesn't mean the other can't or doesn't. i'm
not addressing the 'route' of data, i'm addressing
specific connection points.
and i'm not going to distract off that, but simply note beings have found
substanitial 'leaks' in SSL,
and in another example bad vulnerabilties in TOR exit nodes. but that's
another conversation.

>you counter with
>'Well, _teach_ me, then', and utterly ignore what I've already said.

i 'challenge' YOU to 'engage' in the thread and paste here where i said
"well, teach me then",
rather than re-in-moen-terpreting things to take a swipe at people.

i DID  say 'no one is stopping you' from teaching after you said 'i'd like
to teach it'.
and re: nmap i'd said 'i'm listening'.

it seems you're ignoring what i actually already said.

and at the end of the day, no one is forcing you to respond to anything, or
to be on the thread.

i will suggest if you'd like to teach something, and say that outloud, and
someone(or plural) DO say;
"well teach me then...", you don't respond by saying "No!"

and if/and/or/when you feel someone is ignoring your 'teaching', well,
welcome to the world of
being a teacher.
osmosis is a real thing as well.

>And no, I don't mean by sitting around passively
>and expecting me to spoon-feed you.

i personally don't know ANYONE who does that. narcissistic ever?

please paste here where anywhere in the thread anyone specifically
addresses you before
you enter:

message ends.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 6:12 AM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting maestro (maestro415 at gmail.com):
> > are you actually stating it is totally impossible for someone to
> disconnect
> > others from a shared (or public) wifi connection (besides the admin{s} )?
> > prove it.
> Obviously, since you gave us absolutely no information to work with, you
> can claim anything you want about what happened, but no plausible
> mechanism exists for what you say, whereas wifi flakiness is common and
> well understood.
> Does the term 'Occam's Razor' ring _any_ bells?  No?
> If you're going to go with bad guesses with no plausible mechanism, you
> don't need to stop with 'trolls/assholes'.  Sunspots, swamp gas,
> chemtrails, use your imagination.
> > interesting you don't discuss how YOU configure your system(s).
> As I already said:  I just use wifi and I don't trust the network.
> Sensitive data go over SSL and SSH.  There's nothing special to configure.
> See, when I challenge you to engage with the subject, you counter with
> 'Well, _teach_ me, then', and utterly ignore what I've already said.
> > many don't join a conversation until someone is talking about
> > something that engages them.  i will only speak for myself...i'm
> > listening...
> ...but not perceptibly engaging with the basics.  Thus my point.
> > >>I'd _love_ to teach that.  It's not even difficult, and results are
> > often interesting,
> >
> > no one's stopping you.
> As I said, I'd love to teach that to people who are bothering to learn.
> > i disagree.
> But then you don't show any attempt to be in control of what your
> machine is and isn't doing.
> It's nice to bring fresh distributions to meetings and put Tux on the
> table.  But one of these years, you-plural might want to also learn a
> little about Linux.  And no, I don't mean by sitting around passively
> and expecting me to spoon-feed you.
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*~the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear...*
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