[sf-lug] WIFI set-up

maestro maestro415 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 14:17:45 PDT 2016

as noted in my original mail, interested i am in configurations that
KEEP/PREVENT getting 'knocked off'/disconnected from networks (that is/are
incorporated IN linux distros of different types).

yes, KALI (formerly backtrack), PARROT, and others have all kinds of 'pen
testing tools' and hacking code(s) but even they (well, the KALI i recently
ran) do NOT have anything showing how to stop the above ^^^.

sniff, spoof, SSH, VPN, aircrack, et.al don't address the above ^^^
prevention (or i just missed it entirely)(which of course is possible).

and, repetitively, i am interested in the linux network configurations
folks have that stop/prevent it without SSH/VPN and are 'distro-centric'.

message ends.

On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 2:01 PM, maestro <maestro415 at gmail.com> wrote:

> quoting bobbie s. [clarifying]
> >>If I had the income I would bring along a local router which would
> permit connecting
> to the local WiFi and provide a better firewall.
> just clarifying i'm seeking software responses (and yes, i wasn't specific
> about that.)
> of course one can use phones,wifi adapters, honeypot devices et.al...
> i'm looking for what folks are doing 'in distro'.
> sans SSH and VPN and/or requiring external hardware or remote software
> configuration(s).
> one can simply SSH to a droid phone or another server.
> i should have been more clear about that, my bad.
> message ends.
> ___________________
> On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Bobbie Sellers <
> bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com> wrote:
>> On 04/17/2016 10:26 AM, maestro wrote:
>>> this is a* set-up* query *NOT* a problem solving or troubleshooting
>>> query.
>>> it will be great for as many folks as possible to respond to:
>>> how do you set-up your linux distro (and which distro are you running?)
>>> to
>>> connect *SECURELY *to all public and shared wifi networks (with shared
>>> passwd)?
>>     I have more stringent firewall rules in my roaming configuration,  I
>> don't know
>> what else can be done with my available income.   I avoid using totally
>> open
>> public WiFi as seen on Market Street,
>>     I am using Mageia 5.
>>     If I had the income I would bring along a local router which would
>> permit connecting
>> to the local WiFi and provide a better firewall.
>>> what configurations do you do and/or software do you run to keep
>>> 'trolls/assholes' from knocking you off wifi connections?
>>     Not the faintest idea.
>>> as stated above this relates to networks *outside* your own in your home.
>>> and this is relating to configurations you don't have to change, you set
>>> it
>>> up and that's it.
>>     Go for tight rules on your roaming configuration is all I can say.
>> Mageia has its own
>> firewall.
>>> thanks for participating and contributing...
>>     Hope it helps.  PCLinux 2016 in a 32 bit configuration  will
>> provide the same facility.  Mageia 5 is already way behind 2016.03.
>> Magiea 6 dev1 is still getting nightly updates.
>>     bliss
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> --
> *~the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear...*


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