[sf-lug] /the.neighbors.suck

GoOSSBears acohen36 at linuxwaves.com
Fri Feb 26 19:07:14 PST 2016

> going to be partitoning ubuntu 14.04 lts on
> some boxes with windows 10 as 'neighbors'.

Are the Windows 10 'neighbors' pre-partitioned+installed 
*first*, as I assume is likely the case?

> anyone have any general info that may be helpful 
in this as you have done it and found any issues
you solved that we can avoid specific to windows 10?

Another alternative that may be helpful here under 
the K.I.S.S. principle[1] (assuming that the Windows 10 
'neighbors' are installed first and are all the same 
Microsoft Windows 10 RTM build 10240), is to use 
You'd first download the latest VirtualBox 5.0.x for 
your Windows hosts[3], currently v5.0.14.
You'd then visit the VirtualBox 5.0.14 downloads site[4],
and download (a) the 
(b) the the VBoxGuestAdditions_5.0.14.iso as well as
(c) the necessary Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" guest 
virtualbox-5.0_5.0.14-105127~Ubuntu~trusty_XYZ.deb where
XYZ = your 'i386' or 'amd64' CPU architecture.

You'd then follow the instructions step-by-step at [5] 
as well as follow along sections 2 and 4 within the VB 5.0.14 
User Manual PDF[6] for further questions or difficulties.

VB might help out as another alternative here...




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