[sf-lug] SF-LUG meeting at Cafe Enchante Sunday, April 5, 2015

John Strazzarino JStrazza at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 30 08:31:51 PDT 2015

I will do my best to be there......

I have two 120 GB hard drives that I bought used on ebay, $15 each, SATA drives for desktop

Also for FREE, an hp 5380 combo printer/scanner, not sure if linux happy. Printer does need ink, no carts installed.


Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 30, 2015, at 8:08 AM, Bobbie Sellers <bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com> wrote:
> Hi LUGgers,
>  SF-LUG meets every first Sunday from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M.
> and every third Monday from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
> at the Cafe Enchante, 26th and Geary Boulevard.
>    These meetings are usually lightly attended with a high for the
> year so far of 7 members.   If you have a problem come along
> and maybe we can help but if not we can usually find someone
> who can.
>      So I have copies and can make more of GParted Live 0.22.0-1 for
> the AMD64 and i586.  Will make a copy for anyone who calls in time.
> It may have versions for i486 and for i686 in PAE and non-PAE versions
> but I will only get these if you know you need them to function on your
> machine(s).
>    Also have fresh isos for Kali 1.10a and used the older version to
> solve a problem with nepotuk* which wrote a 60.1 GiB file to my
> /home.  Am hoping to master the use of "dd" to put a copy on
> a Flash Drive.  Want a copy on disk?
>    Please let me know which architecture.
>    Final Beta of latest 15.04(?) is out.  I am not bothering with downloading
> a copy until it is final version.  All of the Kubuntu version I have downloaded
> have presented no problems but the KDE 5.x is not yet ready for production
> as far as I am concerned.
>     Would like to promise that I will have the latest Linux Pro and maybe
> I will have it by then.
>    Hope to see at least the usual crew on Sunday!
>    Bobbie Sellers
> *nepotuk is a KDE indexer which refuses limits on its log file size,
> which cannot be removed from KDE without limiting the utility
> of this interface. It has multiple places in the KDE System Settings
> where it must be turned off.  It has been deprecated and is to be
> replaced by "Baloo"  which not yet available in updates to my system.
> Dealing with the this problem on 04/29 gave me quite a headache.
>    bliss
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