Linux Steam players should not move the Steam directory

Samir Faci samir at
Fri Jan 16 11:06:39 PST 2015

I know this isn't exactly FOSS / Open source and such friendly...  but you
can always host it on something like google groups or other providers.

End of the day it's just a mailing list.  Anyways .. thanks for the update.

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 10:37 AM, jim <jim at> wrote:

>     Years ago, Rick Moen kindly offered to
> host the SF-LUG (and later, the DVLUG)
> mailing lists on the LinuxMafia host. That
> host died a few months ago, and Rick
> has not yet revived it (no pejorative on
> that point). We have the expectation that
> Rick will revive the host and the various
> software services that machine hosted.
>     We (SF-LUG members) have discussed
> * buy Rick a machine (done, ready and
>    waiting, if he wants it).
> * host one or more services on some
>    machine to which we have access (not,
>    in my mind, a good idea, given the
>    hurly burly nature of member participation).
> * find an existing service that can serve
>    SF-LUG (I don't like the idea in general,
>    and it properly requires that we get the
>    mailing list member addresses or
>    reconstitute it from our own email records,
>    which is doable with eye-bleeding work).
>     So for now, Bobbie (our savior) has cobbled
> up the present, interim list.
> On 01/16/2015 10:21 AM, Daniel Gimpelevich wrote:
>> On Fri, 2015-01-16 at 10:05 -0800, Samir Faci wrote:
>>> they basically run a rm -fr / where it'll delete all files that the
>>> user has access to.  If you're running as root for some bizarre reason
>>> that would hose the entire file system.
>>> On a side note, what's going on with this list?  it used to be a
>>> mailing list..... technical difficulties?
>> The server that hosted the list fell prey to a power spike, and the
>> admin has been pressed for time.

Thank you
Samir Faci
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