SF-LUG - mailing list still down but some more names added

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sat Jan 10 10:56:32 PST 2015

Hi Bobbie - it's kind of annoying to be Cc'd on all the threads,
which lands them in my main inbox (vs my LUG mailing list mailbox,
which I look at "as time permits").  So as long as the list isn't
working, I'd appreciated NOT being Cc'd on everything... I just don't
have time lately.



On Fri, Jan 09, 2015 at 02:22:06PM -0800, Bobbie Sellers wrote:
> added from a post by Ken Schaffer that had been neglected for a while.
> marksobell at gmail.com
> hardy stevenson <bloonoise at gmail.com>
> Alison Chaiken <alchaiken at gmail.com>
> Shane Tzen <shane at faultymonk.org>
> Mike Higashi <mhigashi at gmail.com>
> Samir Faci <samir at esamir.com
> Ronald Petty <ronald.petty at gmail.com>
> Charles-Henri Gros <charles-henri.gros at m4x.org>
> 	Anyone who says that their own name should not be
> on this list let me know asap,
> 	Bobbie

Sent from my computer

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