SF-LUG - Intel has new stuff at the CES

Daniel Gimpelevich daniel at gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us
Fri Jan 9 13:48:53 PST 2015

On Fri, 2015-01-09 at 13:22 -0800, Bobbie Sellers wrote:
> 	Hi LUGgers,
> 		I know some of you will be interested in the offerings that Intel will 
> be presenting shortly as consumer choices.
> 	<http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/01/broadwell-u-arrives-faster-laptop-cpus-and-gpus-from-core-i7-to-celeron/>
> 	I think the Intel NUCs will make better choices than the
> MacMinis IMO.
> 	With this mailing I add Daniel Gimpelvich to the template.
> 	I was really surprised to see that I had his address but left him off 
> the template.
> 	bliss

And I was surprised to receive this e-mail, since last I knew, the
mailing list is down. Also never noticed that Bobbie is now on
DSLExtreme, which was my ISP from 2002 to 2012, when I decided to say
good riddance. They had gone steadily downhill during that entire
period. I now recommend Sonic.net to anyone and everyone.

But I digress. One person at the SVLUG meeting this week was seriously
inquiring into the Intel NUCs' ability to run Mac OS X, and they might
actually be a good choice for such. Irony.

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