Mailing lists using usenet newsgroup

maestro maestro415 at
Wed Jan 7 11:55:24 PST 2015

Rest of thread = TL:DR.
Currently on my duff...
Listening/Learning/Helping/Contributing/DOING gets me off of it...
Love to be involved in all steps sans armchair qb'ing...
Please yell for me when terminals will open & keys will engage from 1st day
Thanks kids...

Message ends.

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015, jim <jim at> wrote:
>     Beautiful. Assuming at least a few of us
> get off our duffs wrt MailMan backup-restore,
> I'd like to participate and document the effort.
>     Who's up for off-the-duff?
> On 01/07/2015 08:37 AM, Rick Moen wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 5:54 PM, jim <jim at> wrote:
>>> an archive for sf-lug and other lugs and such        <----
>>>     strikes me as a great idea that might be quickly   <----
>>>     adopted.
>> No personal criticism intended in any of the following.
>> I keep seeing people, at LUGs and elsewhere, attempting to do good and
>> constructive things but without process thinking.  I'll define that
>> term, as it's one of my own devising.  Process thinking means working
>> out step by step, starting from the present situation, how to do
>> something, making sure you understand the mechanism and the way things
>> interact.  Non-process thinking is fixating on, and advocating and
>> organising for, a desired end-objective but assuming that the steps
>> required to get there will get somehow worked out.
>> Process thinking gets things done, and is typified by small, pilot /
>> prototype / proof-of-concept experiments that then are adapted or
>> scaled up to solve some significant problem.  Non-process thinking
>> most often leads to wastes of time and energy, especially where
>> computer technology is concerned.  Or, at best, the people who indulge
>> the habit of non-process thinking spend a lot of time talking about
>> 'ideas' (vaguely imagined end-goals), but at the end of the day
>> nothing worthwhile happens.
>> One of the real strengths of open source software is that you can
>> prototype without expending much more than just your time and effort.
>> Doing so can help you spot the problematic bits and pragmatic
>> concerns, as well as also spotting opportunities and advantages you
>> otherwise might have missed.
>> If you think something is worth doing, prototype it.  Don't just go
>> around _only_ talking about how cool it might be if
>> someone-nobody-in-particular were to figure out a way to do it.


*~the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear...*
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