[sf-lug] Having fun with BALE; CABAL meeting Saturday (today)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Feb 6 17:50:00 PST 2015

Quoting Daniel Gimpelevich (daniel at gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us):

> What I was offering was to do Step Two. I would need the SQL dumps of
> the templates table and the groups table for that. Once I gather the
> info involved and merge it in, the SQL can be reimported.

I am not going to import someone else's work directly into BALE's
MySQL live data without it being proven useful and correct.  You know
what a person in that situation tells me when something of mine gets
broken when they're 'helping' me?  They say 'sorry'.

After many years of people screwing up and breaking my belongings and
then saying 'sorry', I have gotten warier:  You can do your work on
-your- instance of the BALE code and show it to me.  Then I will be glad
to use it if possible.

Though, honestly, I actually prefer to vet information myself, because
I'm the person people bitch to about perceived errors.

> A quick web search turns up this:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/uss-augusta-ada

Useful.  Thanks!

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