[sf-lug] Thanks are owed to Michael Paoli (was: Hi, everybody)

Ken Shaffer kenshaffer80 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 22 09:57:47 PST 2015

Thanks to Rick, Michael, and Bobbie for getting/keeping the list back/going.

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Jeff Bragg <jackofnotrades at gmail.com>

> Thanks to Michael, Rick, and anyone else who has been working on this.
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 8:38 PM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:
>> Quoting Jim Stockford (jim at well.com):
>> >     Let's say thanks to Rick Moen, not only
>> > for bringing back the SF-LUG mailing list,
>> > but for taking it on starting around 1995
>> > and maintaining it for about a decade.
>> Yr. very welcome.
>> Immediate thanks are owed first and foremost to Michael Paoli, who spent
>> astounding amounts of time figuring out how to repair the host's
>> software problems, after the two of us jointly got to the bottom of the
>> hardware problems.  (On the latter, in short, _two_ successive failures
>> of Intel L440GX+ 'Lancewood' motherboards happened back in August and
>> September.)
>> I'd have eventually dealt with the software problem, but probably would
>> have just punted on repairing the installed packages and just done a
>> fresh system-software build.
>> I've just put _three_ parted-out VA Linux Systems model 22x0 chassises
>> into my house's service yard, with their respective Lancewood
>> motherboards, two of those motherboards being the ones that fried and
>> one being extremely dodgy.  There's now a lot less junk sitting around.
>> The replacement system is a bit creaky, but I expect it to suffice until
>> I can do the hoped-for orderly system migration to modern hardware and
>> software.
>> At no point was SF-LUG in danger of losing the mailing list archives, or
>> the membership.
>> Speaking of the latter, I've just created and executed the following
>> cron job to send Jim the current roster.  It will run weekly on Sundays.
>> If it's appropriate to have the roster mailed to an other addresses,
>> please advise.
>> :r /etc/cron.weekly/mailman-rosters
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #
>> # mailman-rosters:  Cron script to mail out current Mailman mailing list
>> rosters.
>> #
>> #               Written by Rick Moen (rick at linuxmafia.com)
>> #               $Id: cron.weekly,v 1.00 2015-01-21 20:28:01 rick
>> set -o errexit  #aka "set -e": exit if any line returns non-true value
>> set -o nounset  #aka "set -u": exit upon finding an uninitialised variable
>> /var/lib/mailman/bin/list_members -f sf-lug | mail -s "sf-lug Roster as
>> of $(date +%F)" jim at well.com
>> I've already mentioned the URL from which the mailing list's cumulative
>> mbox (essentially, all traffic to date in a format that can be used, if
>> necessary, to fully regenerate the arhives on any GNU Mailman or similar
>> installation) can be downloaded by any person.  Please do The Right
>> Thing with that information.
>> TY.
>> I'm particularly delighted to have my .signature collection back
>> (browseable online at http://linuxmafia.com/pub/humour/sigs-rickmoen),
>> not to mention the ability to have good UTF-8 editing, essential for
>> posting på Norsk.  Like this:
>> Epplekake
>> Ingredienser:
>> 125 g smør
>> 125 g sukker
>> 125 g hvetemel
>> 2 egg
>> 1 ts bakepulver
>> 3-4 epler
>> 10-12 mandler
>> 2 ss sukker
>> ev. (eventuelt) 1/2 ts kanel
>> Slik gjør du:
>> Smør, sukker, mel og bakepulver smuldres sammen. Rør i sammen piskede
>> egg. Deigen fordeles over i en smurt, rund kakeform.  Rens og del eplene
>> i båter som legges rett over deigen.  Dryss over kakkede mandler og
>> sukker og ev. kanel.  Sett in i ovn ved 200 grader.  Stekes omtrent 30
>> min.  Server med vaniljeis.
>> Eat well!
>> --
>> Cheers,                         Saturday night in Toledo, Ohio
>> Rick Moen                       Is like being nowhere at all.
>> rick at linuxmafia.com             All through the day as the hours rush by
>> youtube.com/watch?v=XZUGSSYlPYI You sit in the park and you watch the
>> grass die.
>> _______________________________________________
>> sf-lug mailing list
>> sf-lug at linuxmafia.com
>> http://linuxmafia.com/mailman/listinfo/sf-lug
>> Information about SF-LUG is at http://www.sf-lug.org/
> _______________________________________________
> sf-lug mailing list
> sf-lug at linuxmafia.com
> http://linuxmafia.com/mailman/listinfo/sf-lug
> Information about SF-LUG is at http://www.sf-lug.org/
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