SF-LUG next meeting Monday September 15,2014

Bobbie Sellers bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com
Fri Sep 12 22:47:38 PDT 2014

Hi Jim and Rick, et al.
	I tried to post this to the list but it still bounces like a rubber 
ball.  I winnowed what addresses i could find from the little bit of the 
mailing list mail I presently have at hand..


  SF-LUG meets every first Sunday from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M.
and every third Monday from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
at the Cafe Enchante, 26th and Geary Boulevard.

     These meetings are usually lightly attended with a high for the
year so far of 7 members.   If you have a problem come along
and maybe we can help but if not we can usually find someone
who can.

     Meeting times are nominal so that if you come after 7:30 PM
we may have left.

   The last meeting of Sunday September 7th was lightly attended.
     I got there about 10:45 and setup my machine without problems
aside from telling it to connect to the Cafe Enchante WiFi.
     Before 11 AM and before I could connect to the WiFi Ken Shaffer
and his wife showed up.
     We had a great time talking and I showed off my portable archive
which consists of the 500 (really 465)GiB drive that I salvaged from
my old Compaq a while back.in a slim USB 3 case.  Likely I will be
bringing it along to the future meetings.
     Ken was running his netbook off a USB flash drive.
     Ken brought along goodies which will go via Jim to Noisebridge.
     Finally a bit before Noon I believe Jim showed up.
     Multiple discussion went on including the problems people have
with systemd the replacement for initd.  These discussions of the
new startup program were worked over in the week before the
mailing list went down and on one of my subscribed Linux newsgroups
at length.  Maybe it will start up again when the mailing list comes
back up.
     I think something more like the old Amiga startup script and
user-startup scripts were an easy way to deal with getting things
running but the Linux initializing programs  are much more remote
from my experience and systemd sounds less comprehensible and
even more remote to me.
     Strangely enough with Mageia 4 I am using it every day.  It seldoms
offers me problems but...
     Jim brought along some magazines and disks which he had forgotten
the orgins of.  They looked interesting but those were the ones he
took home.
     The meeting adjouned about 12:55 and Jim kindly gave me a ride home

     Bobbie Sellers

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