SF-LUG the names on this list-followup 1.

Christian Einfeldt einfeldt at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 18:24:44 PDT 2014

Here is Grant's email address

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Bobbie Sellers <
bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com> wrote:

> Hi anyone one this list.
>         If you know anyone who was on the mailing list have them send me
> their name and I will add it to my list.  I will forward any mail
> sent to me to be posted to my little list.
>         I am digging thru my old contact list and if I have mistakenly
> put you on this list and you are not a LUG member Please Let me know
> so that I can remove you from the list which I am keeping on a template
> form.
>         Well I got bounces from Grant Bowman  <grantbow at ubuntu.com>
>         and from Vincent Polite <vpolitewebsiteguy at yahoo.com>.
>         So if anyone has good addresses for these two let me know
> and if they don't care to share I will put them on bcc:  Or maybe
> they have acceptable mail lists and if you are a correspondent of
> either let them know about this effort.
>         Bobbie

Christian Einfeldt
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