[sf-lug] Meeting of SF-LUG of 8 August 2014

Bobbie Sellers bliss-sf4ever at dslextreme.com
Mon Aug 4 08:08:04 PDT 2014

  Hi LUGers,
    Well in my estimate despite my problems with my notebook
it was a good meeting.

       John S. was first on the scene there when I arrived at 10:45.
He has learned that a daughter is expecting and is very happy.

   Michael showed up next for the first time in about 6 months
He got a good deal on a refurbished laptop through Best Buy
online  and was happy with it after installing a larger hard
drive.  He got that advice at the last meeting he attended.

      Ken Shaffer showed up next and I was glad to see him as my
   Mageia 4.1 failed to restart to my user account.   I tried a Boot-
Repair-Disk but my copy had errors for some reason.   Bit rot?
   We messed about with reading dmesg and other logs then
tried to diagnose with Knoppix.
     Finally tried to reboot and this time from the systemctrl
prompt managed using Cntrl D to get back to my user account from
a failsafe shell.
       And after I got home by, the way, the machine recovered from
Hibernation  without a hitch.  Later at home I ran another copy
of Boot-Repair-Disk and found out among other things that it
is based on Lubuntu but the available tools are severely restricted.
I was unable to make a copy to any of my drives of the url
given to check the results.  I have to say I don't much care for
that feature or the lack of ability to write notes to file.  One con
is the idea that without specifing that it is going to write to a
Web site it just goes ahead and does so.  Second problem is
not being able to write to media to save that url you are given.
Having written down the URL, this morning i was unable to
find the supposed summary of the machine problems.

     Maestro showed up and was somewhat more interested in
interaction than any specific matter.

     Shortly after Noon, Jim showed up having been somewhat delayed
by a small accident.  He was shaken but felt better after a small meal.

     Michael and Maestro discussing dsl services and problems
with changes to technology at services the problems being
lower speeds at particular times if day.   Jim and Ken chimed

   Eric showed up about 12:56 P.M. and was glad to catch us.

   John gave Maestro a ride and Jim took Eric and myself home
   via the FrankenArt gallery to get a free frank and deliver
   a very nice frank sign.
                 *    *    *        *    *    *
     The next meeting at Cafe Enchante will be on August 18
from 6-8 PM.  Regular meeting notice will be posted here next

     Bobbie Sellers
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