[sf-lug] cookies in Ubuntu

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Jul 7 01:04:03 PDT 2011

Quoting Brian Morris (cymraegish at gmail.com):

> ****Why couldn't Linux distributors do this integration?

It's a really good idea, and I've wondered it myself.  At the bare
minimum, I expect that distros like Debian could offer a metapackage
that in one step pulls down and jams together the browser and several
key extensions.  (Last I checked, both Debian and Ubuntu offer
maintained distro packages for Adblock, Adblock Plus, and NoScript, at
bare minimum.)

> My point was to make it so easy for people to install the stuff that it
> would get popular.

Sure, I got that, and I'm sorry if I sounded cranky.  

If you want to understand why I might get cranky, imagine what it feels
like to do a lot of work documenting a problem, why it exists, who's
responsible for it (and why the creators of Firefox aren't motivated to
help on account of conflict of interest, albeit a thousand times more on
your side than the creators of Chrome), exactly how to fix it, and why
-- only to hear back 'Yeah, but how can it be made simpler?'

Want to make it simpler?  Fine, you do it.  

You think publishing somewhere a 'short, to-the-point list' will help?
Cool, you do that.

I mean that.  If you want to be a part of the Linux community,
participate.  Don't just idly ask how unspecified theoretical
people might do some free work for you.

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