[sf-lug] picture organization Bill and Dog

Mikki McGee mikkimc at earthlink.net
Sat Feb 5 19:35:50 PST 2011

Hi all;

(  I deleted the messages, and decided then to give the obvious answer.  )

I have no problem with that "Bill and Dog" situation.    If Bill is more 
important than the dog, I save with Bill. If the dog is more important, 
I save with dog.  If Bill and Dog are equally important, I copy the 
picture and save it twice.   As very few pictures are so, I add very few 
megabytes.  And as all files are backed up routinely, and often the 
backed up files are deleted from the main hard drive, it is little 

    My system does let me use the directory as its own index, so I can 
run down from /document  to .../dog quite easily, and find the dang 
thing quicker than whistling (which rarely works.)  Dog is a dog, after all.

Bless All

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