[sf-lug] Meetiing this evening.

jim jim at well.com
Tue Dec 21 11:02:33 PST 2010

   (erk! i forgot to include this) we also mentioned rick's 
conspire/linuxmafia/cabal afternoon and early evening 
get-togethers, usually held at his house on a couple of 
saturdays each month (see the BALE listings: 
 http://linuxmafia.com/bale/ ). 

On Tue, 2010-12-21 at 00:03 -0800, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Bobbie Sellers (bliss at sfo.com):
> > Then in came Jim and he spent a lot of time with the YL and then with
> > the [CCSF] guys talking about organizing a LUG.
> By the way, one might also wish to call to their attention the Linux
> Documentation Project's "Linux User Group HOWTO", which includes a
> number of practical tips.  http://tldp.org/HOWTO/User-Group-HOWTO.html

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