[sf-lug] Meeting news and Driving for the blind.

Bobbie Sellers bliss at sfo.com
Mon Jul 5 16:30:52 PDT 2010

On 07/05/2010 09:03 AM, Michael Shiloh wrote:

     Thanks for your comment but 4 or maybe 6 people are the limits of
my reporting capacity.  I cannot even blame my age.

> Thanks for the excellent summary. One of these days I'll make it to a 
> meeting..
> I followed with interest your link to the Edubook. The company seems 
> to be targeting value added resellers, pointing out the ability to 
> re-skin or modify so much. I was also interested in the XCore86 heart 
> of the device, and it seems to be developed by the same company, and 
> is available for evalutation at $65. Along with a carrier board that 
> provides all the standard IO ($25) you have the makings of your very 
> own computer in whatever form factor you wish.
> http://www.norhtec.com/products/xcore/index.html
> For a hacker, I find this very compelling. For instance, I have an old 
> Panasonic Toughbook, I think the very first model. It's way too slow 
> to be used for anything. I could take the guts out, add the XCore86, 
> and have a reasonable laptop that I can drive my car over without 
> causing damage.

         Before you build be sure to check out the ARM and the other 
very small motherboards.

> Thanks again,
> Michael

     Thank you
> On 07/04/2010 03:09 PM, Bobbie Sellers wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> At the meeting today we had myself, John, George and Jim,
>> George had accidentally shut off the wireless on the OLPC
>> machine he has and though John helped point out the problem
>> Jim resolved it finally..
>> I booted up the Linux Pro 6 pack of Ubuntu 10.04 and
>> used Virtual Box to demo the other 3 varieties Mythbuntu,
>> Xubuntu and and Kubuntu. The other two system Lubuntu
>> and Ubuntu Studio have to be burned to CD to boot. I hadn't
>> quite had time to do this so we have to do without at this
>> meeting.
>> I also showed off a copy of the sign for the meeting I
>> made and plan with Jim's assistance to produce a bookmark
>> sized version with contact information which seemed to light
>> Jim's fire,
>> There are two interesting machines to be available soon
>> One is a netbook with AA cells instead of the standard integrated
>> battery and a low price.
>> <http://www.norhtec.com/products/gecko/index.html>
>> Looks good. and can use both recharable AAs and a
>> special more standard battery.
>> The other is a Lenova netbook running a base of Windows but the
>> detachable tablet is Linux and gets 8 hours of functionality
>> away from the base.
>> <http://www.Linux-magazine.com/Online/News/Lenovo-Skylight-First-Netbook-with-ARM-CPU> 
>> Well I have looked at the site and the detachable tablet is not
>> mentioned. I also
>> downloaded the movie and the tablet is not mentioned but it is a very
>> slim and light
>> netbook.
>> Blind Drivers Will become Reality - they do it with computers
>> of course.
>> Once a bad joke now is close to reality. DMV tests will have to
>> change when the whole system is up and running, That may take
>> longer than building thehardware systems.
>> <http://cbs5.com/technology/driving.blind.cars.2.1785337.html>
>> later
>> Bobbie Sellers
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