[sf-lug] REMINDER: TOMORROW: BALUG Tu 2010-06-15 The vi editor, introduction through advanced usage, presented by Michael Paoli

jim jim at well.com
Tue Jun 15 00:51:07 PDT 2010

   If any SF-LUGers are going to Michael's vi 
talk this evening at the Four Seas restaurant 
in SF Chinatown, let me know, maybe we can 
hook up. 

On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 13:17 -0700, Michael Paoli wrote:
> REMINDER: TOMORROW: BALUG Tu 2010-06-15 The vi editor, introduction  
> through advanced usage, presented by Michael Paoli
> Also at tomorrow's meeting, CDs:
> Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Desktop CD PC (Intel x86) i386
> Thanks to Grant Bowman and the Ubuntu California Team for getting CDs to us.
> Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
> Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-06-15
> The vi editor, introduction through advanced usage, presented by Michael Paoli
> Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
> For our 2010-06-15 BALUG meeting, we're excited to present:
> The vi editor, introduction through advanced usage, presented by Michael Paoli
> Don't know what vi is?  New to vi, or been using vi for years?  Whatever
> familiarity and experience you do or don't have with vi, this
> presentation promises to include something useful for everyone.  It will
> cover from basic introduction to vi, through many powerful and useful
> tips and tricks (e.g. handy and powerful editing operations, and
> leveraging vi to do much more than "just" edit files).  Some of the
> differences and advantages and disadvantages of various vi
> implementations (historic vi, nvi, vim, etc.) will also be covered.
> While vi may be simply and modestly described as "a screen oriented
> text editor", vi is in fact the standard (and de facto standard) text
> editor for at least UNIX, Linux, and BSD environments, and it's also
> been ported to many other environments.  But don't underestimate vi just
> because it's "standard".  vi is a quite powerful and capable editor, and
> greatly outperforms the text editing capabilities of many other editors.
> Michael Paoli has been using vi for well over a quarter century, from
> humble beginnings with introductory documentation and quick reference
> card in hand, to oft repeated, "Wow, how did you do that?" remarks from
> co-workers watching some of his vi wranglings.  He's also been doing
> Linux systems administration for over a dozen years, and used UNIX all
> the way back to his humble vi beginnings.
> So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
>                    rsvp at balug.org
> **Why RSVP??**
> Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
> Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
> able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.
> Meeting Details...
>                    6:30pm
>                    Tuesday, June 15th, 2010 2010-06-15
>                    Four Seas Restaurant http://www.fourseasr.com/
>                    731 Grant Ave.
>                    San Francisco, CA 94108
>                    Easy PARKING:
>                      Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
>                      http://www.sfpsg.com/
> Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
>          cash, we give you a gift of dinner ticket to join us for a yummy
>          family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift also
>          helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
>          defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
> ------------------------------
> Feedback on our publicity/announcements (e.g. contacts or lists where we
> should get our information out that we're not presently reaching, or
> things we should do differently): publicity-feedback at balug.org
> ------------------------------
> http://www.balug.org/
> _______________________________________________
> sf-lug mailing list
> sf-lug at linuxmafia.com
> http://linuxmafia.com/mailman/listinfo/sf-lug
> Information about SF-LUG is at http://www.sf-lug.org/

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