[sf-lug] [LINUX USER QUESTIONAIRE] What makes a true Linux user?

Andrew E andrewevansc at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 11:38:47 PDT 2009

Questioner: notice the hostility and righteousness. Maybe that's an
occasional quality of a Linux user? Stuck up nerd?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Andrew E (andrewevansc at gmail.com):
> > LOL!!!! And your chemistry answer of elements and their percentages has
> > ANYTHING to do with Linux?!
> I'd explain the joke, but unfortunately that tends to destroy the humour
> value.  For others, presumably.
> > The questioner details that they are interested in "group identity".
> I'm guessing that my calling into question the fundamental assumptions
> behind the questionnaire's design and wording went right over your head.
> > Tell a Linux guru....
> Oh, _do_ tell me all about Linux gurus.  This'll be good, I'm sure.
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