[sf-lug] installing ubuntu but wanting a fixed ip address

jim jim at well.com
Wed Nov 5 21:49:31 PST 2008

   seems to me the lesson is to have a 
busy indicator to show the user things 
are in progress. 

On Wed, 2008-11-05 at 21:02 -0800, Alex Kleider wrote:
> --- On Wed, 11/5/08, Tom Haddon <tom at greenleaftech.net> wrote:
> > Sure, even if is an error on your part, that suggests the
> > interface
> > isn't very clear, which is a problem.
> Tom,
> I got so frustrated by this whole thing that I just reinstalled and now things are better.
> The Network Manager interface has a latency after one enters the fixed IP address before it allows one to begin entering the next field (the net mask and eventually the default routing address.) If one tries to enter data with in this time frame, the system assumes the same field is being reentered. I will let your buddies at Canonical decide how user friendly this is but it sure screwed me up royally! The first time around I had no idea what was going on. I guess the lesson is be in less of a hurry.
> But all is well that ends well. 
> Things now seem to be as they should be.
> I appreciate your taking an interest.
> alex
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