[sf-lug] (no subject)

Jeff Bragg jackofnotrades at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 21:40:34 PDT 2008

"free laptop", got it.  I'll make sure not to mention "free laptop" in the

I'm still not sure how someone got the impression we were giving away a
"free laptop".

p.s. "free laptop"

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 9:24 PM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Dennis J Harrison Jr (dennisharrison at gmail.com):
> > Is this for real?  I haven't been on the list long at all... Does
> > someone here really give away laptops? :)
> Yay!  Laptops for everyone, a chicken in every pot, and _two_ Priuses in
> every garage.  Make it so!
> Maybe the problem is that someone made the mistake of saying the words
> "free laptop" in a prior thread, which has attracted people looking for
> places giving out free laptops.  As those of us who've not gotten free
> laptops and felt the lack know well, it's always a mistake to mention
> the phrase "free laptop" on publicly archived mailing lists, for that
> reason.
> So, everyone, please join me in being really careful, going forward, to
> never mention "free laptop".
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