[sf-lug] VPS question: accessible by root user on physical host?

Joe Royall joe at 2resonate.net
Sun Jun 1 11:02:40 PDT 2008

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Joe Royall <joe at 2resonate.net> wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 2:58 AM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:
>> Quoting Joe Royall (joe at 2resonate.net):
>> > Access to your data on a vps is trivial.
>> You appear to have ignored what I said.
> No I didn't.  They always have root access to the "host" Your "guest" os
> could have a different password.  The "host" will share the partition with
> the "guest".  On a vps you own the guest the provider owns the host.  If it
> is xen you have a config file in your /etc/xen like
> disk   = ['phy:volume00/guest1,sda1,w']
> You can snapshot it from the "host"
> lvcreate -s -n copy_of_guest1 -L 1G /dev/volume00/guest1
> it works the same way on openVZ and KVM
> Also, this is only one way.  They could also boot your OS to run level 1
> and get access to it.  If they are running openVZ they can see all of your
> processes from the "host" and can see all of your memory too.
>> or your convenience, here it is again:
>>  Linode, Inc. doesn't have shell of any sort on your virthost.  Their
>>  getting it or equivalent wouldn't be difficult but would commit various
>>  business torts and also ruinous to their reputation if it were ever
>>  proved.
I would also like to add that their entire privacy policy is a single
sentence at the bottom of their terms of service.

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Joe Royall
Red Hat Certified Architect
joe at 2resonate.net
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