[sf-lug] Microsoft's Vista woes being noticed by Wall Street

Christian Einfeldt einfeldt at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 21:27:47 PST 2008

This story was picked up by /.


The Vista disaster has caught Wall Street's attention
before<http://slashdot.org/%7Etwitter/journal/178073>but I've never
seen the popular press understand the issues like
this argument in the Motley
The opposing argument<http://www.fool.com/investing/value/2008/01/23/dueling-fools-microsoft-bull.aspx>is
a weak statement of faith, essentially "as it was in the beginning is
and forever shall be." *"You don't need to watch the 'I'm a Mac, I'm a PC'
commercials to see that Microsoft is taking a beating. You see it in the
company's financials where its online unit, incredibly, is operating at a
loss; overheating Xbox 360 consoles find the company taking a huge warranty
hit for a system losing market share to the Wii; and the upgrade wave of its
flagship operating system has been more of a ripple than a tsunami. That
last point is important. This was supposed to be Microsoft's final feast,
the major last hurrah for its Windows Vista operating entry and its Office
2007 suite of applications before the inevitable embrace of cheaper open
source operating systems and Web-based apps... In fact, even Microsoft will
tell you that its fortunes peaked several months ago."*

Sounds like a mini digital tipping point to me.

Christian Einfeldt,
Producer, The Digital Tipping Point
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