[sf-lug] Build-a-box day February 16--need help

Andrew Fife afife at untangle.com
Mon Jan 14 16:29:14 PST 2008



The systems will be sourced by James B. of the ACCRC.  As for the which
distro question, the choice is James's because he will have the burden of
supporting the systems once they go into production.  95% chance that it
will be Ubuntu because that is what he currently standardizes on. 



Andrew Fife
Untangle - Open Source Security Gateway

650.425.3327 (O)
415.806.6028 (C)
afife at untangle.com 


From: Christian Einfeldt [mailto:einfeldt at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 3:44 PM
To: Andrew Fife
Cc: sf-lug at linuxmafia.com
Subject: Re: [sf-lug] Build-a-box day February 16--need help



On Jan 14, 2008 1:46 PM, Andrew Fife <afife at untangle.com> wrote:

Just FYI, Feb 16th is not a final date for the event.  We are still
putting the finishing touches on the master plan, but I appreciate the
offers to volunteer.  We will definitely post to this list when we
formally announce the event. 

If you could please avoid these dates, as there will be Saturday school at
the KIPP school on these dates, and I am teaching the GIMP on these dates.
This means that I will not be available on these dates, and all the
classrooms will also be spoken for: 

The dates are:
Trimester 2 - 1/12, 1/26, and 2/23
Trimester 3 - 3/8, 4/12, 4/26
If we can avoid those dates, then we will have ample space with
pre-intstalled AC power cables and ethernet cables in the Edubuntu lab,
which will be nice for doing updates.  There is a fairly decent chance
that we are going to need to let updates run over night, anyway, depending
on how many boxes we are talking about and what distros will be used.  I
know that one of my personal favorite distros, PClinuxOS (pclos for short)
has a fairly sizeable update pool, since it came out fairly early in 2007.
Gutsy Ubuntu might have fewer updates, and same for openSUSE 10.3, which
are of relatively more recent vintage.  heh.  

Speaking of distros, are we planning on focusing on just one or two
distros?  I know that one friend of mine is a big fan of openSUSE, and he
also likes PClos, but he does not like Ubuntu.  Conversely, I know that
Asheesh, for example, is fond of Ubuntu, but does not like PClos.  I am
basically happy working with any distro. 

I guess that this also raises the question as to what are the ranges of
specs of machines that we will see coming through this install fest?  Are
these machines all being sourced out of James Burgett's ACCRC?


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