[sf-lug] ps -A | grep timidity

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Sep 25 19:28:05 PDT 2007

Quoting jim stockford (jim at well.com):

>     at this point it seems things have changed from three
> years ago: debian seems more popular in commercial
> environments and ubuntu flavors are maybe the most
> popular choice generally, much more popular than
> three years ago.

FWIW, I am still seeing nothing but RHEL/rebuilds and SLES in 
significant corporate settings.  Debian/Ubuntu do have some 
presence in some clusters amd lots of Web servers / fileservers /
nameservers, etc., especially those run by smalleQr businesses as
opposed to Fortune 500.  

Disclaimer:  There's a large amount of extrapolation and guessing, 
and probably some carrying forward of outdated information, in the
above.  It's a very difficult thing to have a well-rounded view of.
Also, I'm not even attempting to estimate what's the state of affairs
outside USA/Canada.

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