[sf-lug] [Fwd: Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 updated]

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Mon Apr 9 21:13:04 PDT 2007

I think perhaps you accidentally confused "sarge" with "etch"
(or perhaps with "lenny").

Debian 3.1 GNU/Linux a.k.a. "sarge" is now the old stable.

Debian 4.0 GNU/Linux a.k.a. "etch" is the just-released stable.

Debian <version number to be determined by release manager> GNU/Linux
a.k.a. "lenny" will be the next stable release (not to be confused with
update) after "etch".

The reason for folks to potentially change their /etc/apt/sources.list
from "stable" to "sarge", is if they want to continue running 3.1 and
not inadvertently find themselves updating to 4.0 or packages from 4.0.
Such inadvertent upgrades might cause interesting surprises/problems
for the users, and it also might hit various potential problems.  The
4.0 release notes cover how to do the 3.1 to 4.0 upgrade.  To have a high
probability of success of upgrade from 3.1 to 4.0, one should read the
release notes and heed the instructions/advice contained therein.

Quoting Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>:

> Emphasis added:  
>    Users _who would like to continue using Debian GNU/Linux 3.1_ are
>    advised to update their /etc/apt/sources.list network sources to refer
>    to `sarge' instead of `stable'.
> Begs the question of why one _would_ prefer to stay on a development
> branch that'll soon be put out to pasture permanently and cease
> to get maintenance updates.  I find that people who are unclear on
> Debian's release process often make that choice in error.

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