[sf-lug] how to detect the first Sunday in PHP

mark at kermit.org mark at kermit.org
Sun Feb 12 21:58:43 PST 2006

Here is a little function with an example use I just
wrote - I think it should do the trick. Hope you guys
can use it:


function nextMeeting($nextMonth = false) {


         if ($nextMonth) {
                 if ($month == 12) {
                 } else {

         $firstOfMonth=date("w",mktime(0, 0, 0, $month , 1, $year ));

         // firgure out what date is the first Sunday of the month
         if ( $firstOfMonth > 0 ) {
                 $firstSunday= 8 - $firstOfMonth;
         } else {
                 $firstSunday= 1;

         $firstSundayDate=date("D",mktime(0, 0, 0, $month ,  
$firstSunday, $year));

         // figure out what date the third monday of the month is
         if ( $firstOfMonth > 1) {
                 $offSet = 8 - $firstOfMonth;
         } elseif ( $firstOfMonth == 0 ) {
         } else {
         $thirdMonday= 15 + $offSet;
         $thirdMondayDate=date("D",mktime(0, 0, 0, $month ,  
$thirdMonday, $year));

         // lets see which of these dates now applies
         if ($day <= $firstSunday) {
                 // we didn't miss the first meeting
                 $nextMeetingDate=mktime(0, 0, 0, $month ,  
$nextMeeting, $year);
         } elseif ( ($day > $firstSunday) && ($day <= $thirdMonday) ) {
                 // we missed the first meeting of the month, but can  
still make the second
                 $nextMeetingDate=mktime(0, 0, 0, $month ,  
$nextMeeting, $year);
         } else {
                 // we need to wait until next month

         return $nextMeetingDate;



echo "The next meeting is on " . date('l dS \of F Y', $meeting);


On Feb 9, 2006, at 23:37 , jim stockford wrote:

>    Vince and I are working on updating the sf-lug web
> site. We've agreed to use apache and php, with
> ambitions to integrate with some kind of database....
>    I'm supposed to figure out how we can dynamically
> test the current date and update the web page to show
> the next meeting, which is either the first Sunday or the
> third Monday of the month.
>    For example, if it's the tenth of February, the web
> site should tell people the next meeting is Monday,
> February 20. On Tuesday, February 21 the web site
> should proclaim the next meeting as Sunday March 5.
>    So far, walking the output of the cal utility and
> making sense of the date function in PHP is difficult.
> I'll keep working, hoping that someone will point to
> some code that does the trick.
> jim
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