[friday-follies] Anyone up for a Proposition Party?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Oct 23 14:01:11 PDT 2016

Quoting Dire Red (deirdre at deirdre.net):

> Rick's already written up his guide: http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/election-2016-11-08.html

Tried to be diligent in presenting (in separately marked passages) my
own partisan comments on each item (offices _and_ propositions) and all
the thoughtful analyses, editorials, and news pieces about each that I
can find.  I hope it is useful.

Said piece builds on earlier efforts over the years for my family, that
were at the time mostly e-mail as opposed to Web pages.  I've collected
all of those that I could re-find, and linked them here:

http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/vote.html .

That page is intended to be a central location ('cumulative archive')
for such, going forward.

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